Welcome to my blog! I want to connect with people from around the globe who are going through similar journeys of self discovery.
Let me start by telling me a bit about myself.
I am content with my life and constantly challenging myself to make sure I am being true to myself and living my values. I have spent the past 4 years unlearning a whole bunch of crap I grew up with like:
- The meaning of success and failure. I grew up being drilled that success meant having a lot of education, a great job (defined as pay +status), a husband and children in a great house. When I dropped out of the PhD program, I was told I would never be successful. Success, for me today, is about making sure I am content and having a great community. Failure is not trying.
- You have to follow the rules about what's 'Right' and 'Wrong.' When I was a kid, everything was about being proper. My father had a high profile job that required his children to have excellent manners and "presentation" capabilities (and no, I don't mean PowerPoint). There were very rigid definitions of what was right and wrong. I was expected to come to breakfast fully showered and dressed; no pjs allowed. Today, I understand that there is the law BUT I can live my life with what's right and wrong for me; not what is expected of me.
- It's very important to respond to what people think of you was drilled into me. Today, I care about what the people I love and are dear to me think and am more ambivalent about people who suck up energy.
I have lived in 4 different countries and now find myself living in Northern California where I am loving life. Most of my life, it has been important to be in a relationship. I was married, the first time, when I was fairly young to a wonderful man. We broke up because we wanted to live in two different countries but shared 10 years together. My second husband was truly a learning experience and I am thankful I saw who he truly was quickly and moved on. There is quite a bit in my blog about this under either Dealing with Assholes or Divorce. You can find some pretty raw entries starting in 2005 about my journey. I am really enjoying being single right now and am not on the hunt for husband #3 or boyfriend #???? <sorry, didn't count them all).
Please feel free to comment on my posts or email me at [email protected] or follow me at http://twitter.com/adventurist
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