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    November 28, 2010


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    Amanda Blackburn

    I just wanted you to know how much I understand and empathize with you. I've lived with PMDD since my early 20s (36 now), and it's effected everything from my personal relationships to my professional life. Just today I broke down at work crying for no reason, and I know they all think I'm a nutjob. I'm on so many medications to control my mood and in therapy, but still... 7 days before my period, like frikkin' clockwork, my body goes "off". I wish more people (and doctors!) understood this condition.


    Thanks so much, Amanda. One of the reasons I started this blog was to let others know that they are not alone.

    I was misdiagnosed with PMDD for a big chunk of my life. I tried so many "solutions" that did not work. When I first heard about PMDD, I was relieved. It has impacted every part of my life. But now moving on, I recognize the signs and have a better coping mechanism.

    My doctor gave me some new med for it and I stopped after a year a few weeks ago and I feel so much better.

    Sending you hugs ... and know this is a safe place to talk about it

    pmdd disorder

    This just one reason why we should all be taking good care of our body more. Having that kind of disorder will going to make your life very different.

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