I never imagined that it would be so challenging to figure out what I truly want and keep all the noise out. And I think that what I am going through right now is dealing with some disappointment. Since I was a teenager, I've written about setting my expectations low so I wouldn't be disappointed but I have never really mastered it at all.
I have all this wisdom that I have gathered through an exciting life. And yet, I feel stuck. Part of it is milestone. A whole year has passed and I don't seem to be where I thought I would be. It could be that I am being too hard on myself, which is something I have mastered. This week has been one of introspection rather than action.
Last year at this time, I was back from Istanbul thinking the pain in my left side was some bad stomach virus. When in reality, it was an outbreak of some nasty bout of shingles. It hit me right between the eyes and totally paralyzed me. Since then, I have made some very important changes in my life. But not as many as I would have liked. I want a better health regime. I want more energy to be out there and less hibernation. I want an idea of what's next. I want to make more of a difference.
At dinner on Wednesday in the city, Am told me that she doesn't see me going back to my current job. We made a bet. They both told me that I am not what they think of as a corporate animal. And how relieved they were when they met me in December that I had a sense of humor and perspective. It was good to see them and that they are doing so well. It just shows us that it's always good to get out of a bad situation with abusive assholes.
And yet, I don't feel that it's enough. I want so much more.
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