Can people truly be happy for each other? Is there truly such a concept of teamwork and collaboration or is it all just a facade? I've spent so much time in the corporate world that I just don't believe the bullshit any more. It seems more and more that you have people who have independent goals and aspirations who band together to achieve their own personal power and control. It's very much like the political arena. There, the "leaders" need to go lobby their employees and constituents to convince them that they are only there to make their company/country/city/etc. successful. They are merely instruments. And the lemmings continue to buy into it instead of realizing they need to get what they want.
We move from being surrounded by our family units to going to school where the community and our parents "teach" us right from wrong. Depending on where you are socialized, you will gain different values and pursue different paths. I was sold that happiness comprises of being "good:"
- Having degrees and being "educated"
- Having a good job
- Having a family: husband, 2.5 kids, home, picket fences, etc.
- Being the anchor for my husband
- Being involved in the community
What I wasn't taught and had to self learn is that happiness comes from within. It's no Jerry McGuire fantasy. No one else can ever "complete" you. There is an abundance of books on happiness coming out every day. Why is it so difficult for humans to just be happy? Is it because we have to first unlearn all the bullshit that was fed to us? Do we spend too much time trying to figure it out instead of living? Are we too preoccupied with notions of success and failure? I was watching a bit of a reality show yesterday and couldn't get over the fact that so many of the women were totally insecure and lacked basic belief in their capabilities. I can't watch too much of these shows but they do give you a glimpse of what people struggle with today.
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